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Cheyenne, Wyoming

Cheyenne is the capital of the U.S. state of Wyoming and the county seat of Laramie County. The population was 65,132 at the 2020 census, making it the largest city in the state.

First platted by Americans in 1867 as the site of a railroad crossing and named for the Cheyenne Native Americans. Within several months of its plotting four thousand people had moved there. It became territorial capital in 1869 and remained state capital upon statehood in 1890.

Recent city comments:

  • Cheyenne Turntable, kencummings wrote 8 years ago:
    Summer 2016 loco 844 pulled 4014 out of its waiting track and onto track 4, the working track. Disassebly started by August/.
  • Union Pacific Cheyenne Roundhouse, kencummings wrote 9 years ago:
    Bit lae posting this. Now there IS a 4-8-8-4 big boy in residence. Being restored to service.
  • Cheyenne Depot Museum, GeodesyMike wrote 9 years ago:
    It looked better back when it had the giant UP logo on the face of the building directly below the tower. (My opinion)
  • Union Pacific Cheyenne Steam Shop, kencummings wrote 10 years ago:
    There was a blog. New management now.
  • UP Steam Program Complex, kencummings wrote 10 years ago:
    Engine 4012 is on exhibit on the south side of the city ;lark to the East North East.
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Cheyenne, Wyoming on the map.

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