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Cheyenne, Wyoming recent comments:

  • Cheyenne Turntable, kencummings wrote 8 years ago:
    Summer 2016 loco 844 pulled 4014 out of its waiting track and onto track 4, the working track. Disassebly started by August/.
  • Union Pacific Cheyenne Roundhouse, kencummings wrote 9 years ago:
    Bit lae posting this. Now there IS a 4-8-8-4 big boy in residence. Being restored to service.
  • Cheyenne Depot Museum, GeodesyMike wrote 9 years ago:
    It looked better back when it had the giant UP logo on the face of the building directly below the tower. (My opinion)
  • Union Pacific Cheyenne Steam Shop, kencummings wrote 10 years ago:
    There was a blog. New management now.
  • UP Steam Program Complex, kencummings wrote 10 years ago:
    Engine 4012 is on exhibit on the south side of the city ;lark to the East North East.
  • Cheyenne Depot Museum, kencummings wrote 11 years ago:
    A local group of Trainiacs or Rail Buffs wants a pedestrian bridge across the rail yards from the old depot to the steam engine shops of Union Pacific. For fans and tourists to be able to watch the action there.
  • The Viaduct, kencummings wrote 11 years ago:
    And soon to feature the 4014 in mid May 2014
  • Frontier Mall, oosterleppard wrote 12 years ago:
    Chili's in the SW corner of the highlighted area for Frontier Mall.
  • The Viaduct, GeodesyMike wrote 14 years ago:
    A superb place to catch UP action.
  • Phoenix Drive, GeodesyMike wrote 14 years ago:
    My street in the late 70s
  • East Pershing Boulevard, GeodesyMike wrote 14 years ago:
    East Pershing was one of my favorite rides when I lived in Cheyenne. I could jump on my motorcycle and cruise out to Archer and watch the UP.
  • Union Pacific Cheyenne Steam Shop, KMCCLA (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    You would happen to know what it is do you? (Steve Lee's Blog)
  • Union Pacific Cheyenne Roundhouse, kencummings wrote 15 years ago:
    According to Steve Lee this turntable and a place a few miles away may be the only two places able to easily turn a Big Boy loco around. If you want to know more about Steve read the start of the book "Nothing Like it In The World"
  • Verizon, Kevin (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Shut down in late 2008.
  • Union Pacific Cheyenne Roundhouse, kencummings wrote 16 years ago:
    I still feel that there should have been an 8th stall for a 4-8-8-4 Mallet, the Big Boy. Just imagine one of those charging over Sherman Summit. I was nine when our family was driving back east from the Tetons and saw one of them climbing the grade east-bound. The car jam ran for miles. That would have been in 1954.
  • Cheyenne Botanic Gardens, jkrule (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Cheyenne is home to a botanic garden, the smallest city in the US to hold this distinction. It's lovely, and makes a great spot for a picnic and tour.
  • Holliday Park, GeodesyMike wrote 16 years ago:
    This is a popular ice-skating location in winter.
  • The Viaduct, GeodesyMike wrote 17 years ago:
    Its a viaduct!
  • The Historic Plains Hotel & Restaurant, Hi (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Hotel in Cheyene
  • Cheyenne Regional Airport (CYS/KCYS) / Jerry Olson Field, HMC (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Airport code is CYS